KANSAI University Library


ダイアナ・バウダー編 ; 豊田和二 [ほか] 訳. -- 原書房, 1994. <BB60140452>

HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. Volumes Library Location Japanese/Foreign type Call No Material ID In-Lib only Local note Status Reservation
0001 General 1F Reference Japanese/Chinese/Korean R*283.1*K1*1 205790887 禁帯出 0items
0002 Muse (Reserch)Muse Japanese/Chinese/Korean AR*283.1*バ 140152474 禁帯出 0items

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. 0001
Library General
Location 1F Reference
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No R*283.1*K1*1
Material ID 205790887
In-Lib only 禁帯出
Local note
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Library Muse
Location (Reserch)Muse
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No AR*283.1*バ
Material ID 140152474
In-Lib only 禁帯出
Local note
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 古代ギリシア人名事典 / ダイアナ・バウダー編 ; 豊田和二 [ほか] 訳
コダイ ギリシア ジンメイ ジテン
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 原書房 , 1994.11
physical description area xxxvii, 456p ; 22cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4562026065
variant titles 原タイトル:Who was who in the Greek world, 776 BC-30 BC
note 原書(Phaidon Press, Oxford, c1982)の全訳
note その他の訳者: 新井桂子, 長谷川岳男, 今井正浩
note ギリシア史年表: pxxvii-xxxiv
note 欧文文献一覧: p436-439
note 地図と系図: p441-453
NCID BN11673734
text language code Japanese
author link Bowder, Diana <AU00135089> 編
author link 豊田, 和二(1948-)||トヨタ, カズジ <AU00045316> [ほか]訳
classification Europe NDC8:283.1
classification History. Geography NDLC:GG12
subject headings 人名辞典 -- ギリシア(古代)||ジンメイジテン -- ギリシア(コダイ)