KANSAI University Library


三船温尚, 杉本和江編 ; 飯塚義之 [ほか] 執筆. -- 八木書店, 2024. <BB61661972>

HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. Volumes Library Location Japanese/Foreign type Call No Material ID In-Lib only Local note Status Reservation
0001 General B1 Stacks Japanese/Chinese/Korean N8*718.5*7 212572318 0items

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. 0001
Library General
Location B1 Stacks
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No N8*718.5*7
Material ID 212572318
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 江戸大仏 / 三船温尚, 杉本和江編 ; 飯塚義之 [ほか] 執筆
エド ダイブツ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 八木書店 , 2024.7
physical description area xxix, 482p : 挿図 ; 30cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9784840622783
note その他の執筆者: 三宮千佳, 長柄毅一, 林憲司, 本間俊文, 本間岳人, 武笠朗, 村田愛加
NCID BD07939601
text language code Japanese
author link 三船, 温尚 (1955-)||ミフネ, ハルヒサ <AU00166303>
author link 杉本, 和江||スギモト, カズエ <AU00269643>
author link 飯塚, 義之||イイヅカ, ヨシユキ <AU00269644>
author link 三宮, 千佳 (1978-)||サンノミヤ, チカ <AU00269645>
author link 長柄, 毅一||ナガエ, タケカズ <AU00269646>
author link 林, 憲司||ハヤシ ケンジ <AU00269647>
author link 本間, 俊文 (1982-)||ホンマ, シュンブン <AU00269648>
author link 本間, 岳人 (1974-)||ホンマ, タケヒト <AU00268401>
author link 武笠, 朗 (1958-)||ムカサ, アキラ <AU00211699>
author link 村田, 愛加||ムラタ, アイカ <AU00269649>
classification Buddhist image NDC9:718
classification Buddhist image NDC9:718.5
classification Buddhist image NDC10:718.5
subject headings 仏像
subject headings 仏像||ブツゾウ