KANSAI University Library


Georges Perec ; édition publiée sous la direction de Christelle Reggiani ; avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Dominique Bertelli ... [et al.] ; 1, 2. -- Gallimard, 2017. -- (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade ; no 623-624)(NRF). <BB60833301>

HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. Volumes Library Location Japanese/Foreign type Call No Material ID In-Lib only Local note Status Reservation
0001 2 General B1 Stacks Foreign N8*958*55*2 211852422 0items
0002 1 General B1 Stacks Foreign N8*958*55*1 211852414 0items

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. 0001
Volumes 2
Library General
Location B1 Stacks
Japanese/Foreign type Foreign
Call No N8*958*55*2
Material ID 211852422
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Volumes 1
Library General
Location B1 Stacks
Japanese/Foreign type Foreign
Call No N8*958*55*1
Material ID 211852414
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Œuvres / Georges Perec ; édition publiée sous la direction de Christelle Reggiani ; avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Dominique Bertelli ... [et al.]
publication,distribution,etc.,area [Paris] : Gallimard , c2017
physical description area 2 v. : ill. ; 18 cm
Volume Information
volumes 1
ISBN 9782070119646
Volume Information
volumes 2
ISBN 9782072719103
parent bibliography link Bibliothèque de la Pléiade <BB36044825> no 623-624//a
parent bibliography link NRF <BB41201869>//a
note 2: avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de Claude Burgelin ... [et al.]
NCID BB23693042
text language code French
author link *Pérec, Georges, 1936-1982 <AU00077822>
author link Reggiani, Christelle <AU00031407>
author link Bertelli, Dominique <AU00225616>
author link Burgelin, Claude <AU00225617>
classification LCC:PQ2676.E67