KANSAI University Library


野内良三著. -- 国書刊行会, 2004. <BB44602246>

HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. Volumes Library Location Japanese/Foreign type Call No Material ID In-Lib only Local note Status Reservation
0001 Sakai (Reserch)Sakai Japanese/Chinese/Korean BR*908.7*ノ 350010498 禁帯出 0items

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. 0001
Library Sakai
Location (Reserch)Sakai
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No BR*908.7*ノ
Material ID 350010498
In-Lib only 禁帯出
Local note
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area ジョーク・ユーモア・エスプリ大辞典 / 野内良三著
ジョーク ユーモア エスプリ ダイジテン
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 国書刊行会 , 2004.1
physical description area 397p ; 20cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4336046158
variant titles 異なりアクセスタイトル:ジョークユーモアエスプリ大辞典
ジョーク ユーモア エスプリ ダイ ジテン
NCID BA65613778
text language code Japanese
author link 野内, 良三(1944-)||ノウチ, リョウゾウ <AU00012761>
classification Series. Collections NDC8:908.7
classification Series. Collections NDC9:908.7
subject headings ユーモア||ユーモア