KANSAI University Library

アウグスティヌス : 「心」の哲学者

出村和彦著. -- 岩波書店, 2017. -- (岩波新書 ; 新赤版 1682). <BB60839541>

HoldingsList 1-4 of about 4

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. Volumes Library Location Japanese/Foreign type Call No Material ID In-Lib only Local note Status Reservation
0001 General 2F Open Stacks Japanese/Chinese/Korean K*132.1*デ 103731857 0items
0002 Takatsuki Takatsuki Japanese/Chinese/Korean T*132.1*デ 103730095 0items
0003 Muse Muse Japanese/Chinese/Korean A*132.1*デ 103730257 0items
0004 Sakai 50/5003 Japanese/Chinese/Korean B*132.1*デ 103730486 0items

The book whose material ID begins with “1” is “book for study”.
The book whose material ID begins with “0, 2, 3, or, 4” is “books for research”.
No. 0001
Library General
Location 2F Open Stacks
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No K*132.1*デ
Material ID 103731857
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Library Takatsuki
Location Takatsuki
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No T*132.1*デ
Material ID 103730095
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items
No. 0003
Library Muse
Location Muse
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No A*132.1*デ
Material ID 103730257
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items
No. 0004
Library Sakai
Location 50/5003
Japanese/Foreign type Japanese/Chinese/Korean
Call No B*132.1*デ
Material ID 103730486
In-Lib only
Local note
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area アウグスティヌス : 「心」の哲学者 / 出村和彦著
アウグスティヌス : 「ココロ」ノ テツガクシャ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2017.10
physical description area xiii, 180p : 挿図, 肖像, 地図 ; 18cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9784004316824
parent bibliography link 岩波新書||イワナミ シンショ <BB39011094> 新赤版 1682//a
variant titles 異なりアクセスタイトル:アウグスティヌス : 心の哲学者
アウグスティヌス : ココロ ノ テツガクシャ
note 文献案内: p171-175
note アウグスティヌス略年譜: p176-177
NCID BB24689583
text language code Japanese
author link 出村, 和彦(1956-)||デムラ, カズヒコ <AU00227658>
classification Medieval philosophy NDC9:132.1
subject headings Augustinus, Aurelius
subject headings Augustine(354-430)
subject headings Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo(354-430)
subject headings Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
subject headings Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo